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Welcome to, your source for real estate information on buying and selling real estate property and more!
At you can find information on local schools, weather, local information, links and other local resources for the San Diego area and its surrounding communities.
Frank Rys of Progress Realty, can assist you with a variety of real estate services, such as assisting buyers to find their next San Diego real estate property or San Diego home, and assisting sellers in selling their San Diego home or San Diego real estate property and getting the most for their San Diego real estate property.
Are you looking to buy San Diego real estate? Are you looking for something particular? Please let us assist you find your next San Diego home by completing our VIP Home Request form. We will send you listings that match your criteria as soon as we get them.
Are you selling real estate in San Diego? Need to know how much your home or real estate property is worth? Feel free to request a FREE Home Value Request. Tell us a little about your San Diego home or real estate property and we will let you know how much you can expect to earn from your property.
Buying or selling your next San Diego home or San Diego real estate property can be the single the most important transaction in your life, therefore it is important you work with someone who has the experience, professional expertise and integrity to make your next San Diego real estate transaction pleasurable and stress-free.
If you have further questions about the San Diego area or San Diego real estate markets, please don't hesitate to call Frank Rys at 619-286-3400 or send an email.